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Meet the Psychology Faculty

Rebecca Hoss, PhD
Director, Psychology, Human Services, & Sociology Program
Professor of Psychology

BA Psychology, Creighton University
MA Psychology, The University of Texas at Austin
PhD Developmental Psychology, The University of Texas at Austin

Areas of Expertise
Research methods; social psychology; stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination; gender

Accomplishments and Published Articles
Outstanding Student Organization for Student Psychology Club, College of Saint Mary, 2019. Award given by Student Services. 
Catherine McAuley Teaching Excellence Award, College of Saint Mary, 2016. Award given by TLC. 
Appreciation for Service as Division Chair, College of Saint Mary, 2011. Award given by VPAA at the Faculty Appreciation Luncheon. 
Inspiring Excellence Faculty Award, College of Saint Mary, 2010. Award given by 赌球平台推荐台’s Senior Leadership Team to one outstanding faculty member per year. 
Appreciation for Service as Division Chair, College of Saint Mary, 2010. Award given by VPAA at the Faculty Appreciation Luncheon. 
Service Learning Faculty Fellow Award, College of Saint Mary, 2008. Award for participating as a faculty fellow, providing service to a community organization (Nebraska Family Support Network) while developing a service-learning partnership. 
Halonen, J. S., Frantz, S., Hoss, R. A., McCarthy, M. A., Pusateri, T., & Wickes, K. (2020). The challenges of assessing character: Measuring APA Goal 3 student learning outcomes. Teaching of Psychology, 47 (4), 285-295. 
Hoss, R. A., Ramsey, J. R., Griffin, A. G, & Langlois, J. H. (2005). The role of facial attractiveness and facial masculinity/femininity in sex classification of faces. Perception, 34, 1459-1474. 
Hoss, R. A. (2004). What is beautiful is sex-typed: A developmental examination (Doctoral dissertation, The University of Texas at Austin, 2003). Dissertation Abstracts International, 64, 6356. 
Hoss, R. A., & Langlois, J. H. (2003). Infants prefer attractive faces. Chapter in O. Pascalis & A. Slater (Eds.), Face perception in infancy and early childhood. Nova Science Publishers. 
Ramsey, J. L., Langlois, J. H., Hoss, R. A., Rubenstein, A. J., & Griffin, A. M. (2004). Origins of a stereotype: Categorization of facial attractiveness by 6-month-old infants. Developmental Science, 7, 201-211. 

rhoss [at]
Molly Mahoney, PhD
Professor of Psychology

BA Psychology, University of Nebraska, Omaha
MA Developmental Psychology, University of Nebraska, Omaha
PhD Developmental Psychology, University of Nebraska-Lincon

Accomplishments and Published Articles
Johnson, H. D., Wernli, M. A., & LaVoie, J. C. (2013). Situational, Interpersonal, and Intrapersonal Characteristic Associations with Adolescent Conflict Forgiveness. Journal of Genetic Psychology: Research and Theory on Human Development, 174, 291-315. 
Reed-Bouley, J., Wernli, M. A., & Sather, P. (2012). Student employment and perceptions of service-learning.  Journal of Service-Learning in Higher Education, 1, 6-29. 
Stolinski, A. M., Ryan, C. S., Hausmann, L. R. M., & Wernli, M. A. (2004). Empathy, guilt, volunteer experiences, and intentions to continue volunteering among buddy volunteers in an AIDS organization. Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research, 9, 1-22. 
Johnson, H. D., LaVoie, J. C., Eggenburg, E., Mahoney, M. A., & Pounds, L. (2001). Changes in adolescents' conflict responses associated with consecutive presentation of hypothetical   situations. Journal of Adolescence, 24, 647-655.  
Johnson, H. D., LaVoie, J. C., & Mahoney, M. A. (2001). Interparental conflict, family cohesion:  Predictors of loneliness, social anxiety, and social avoidance in late adolescents. Journal of  Adolescent Research, 16, 304-318. 
Johnson, H. D., LaVoie, J. C., Spenceri, M. C., & Mahoney-Wernli, M. A. (2001). Peer conflict avoidance: Associations with loneliness, social anxiety, and social avoidance. Psychological Reports, 88, 227-235.  
Johnson, H. D., LaVoie, J. C., & Mahoney, M. A. (2000). Young adults’ peer conflict tactics: Associations with interparental conflict family cohesion, and parent-child conflict tactics.Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 15, 459-474. 

PERIOD@College of Saint Mary, vice president
Nebraska Menstrual Equity Coalition, founding member

mmahoney [at]